This is gonna probably be TMI. But hey, it's your choice to read it.
I need some goals, things to look forward to. I feel soooo much better. I'm not back to normal, but i'm somewhat there. I have hope and i know that everything will be ok.
Stop lying to myself. If you text me and ask me how i'm feeling and i reply with "i'm alright, just doing blah blah blah" i'm NOT alright. I'm lying. That's why i'm doing something else. So be prepared for me telling you how i truely feel. Please, please, please, ASK. I need to learn not to lie.
Wear underwear. I never had the energy to wear it. Now, i feel like i can. I'm getting some today.
Wear a bra. Never had the energy to put one on.
Set an alarm, a time to be up every day and ALWAYS go to bed by midnight.
smoke OUTSIDE. I never had the energy to go outside. Now, i shall go outside.
There are chores i can do. Using my scooter i can water the cows, hang laundry, take down the garbage, get the mail and shovel (in the winter). Inside i can stack the dishes and put them away, sort the laundry and tidy up.
Drink more water.
Snack on veggies.
Shower and change my clothes EVERY DAY.
get more piercings and CLEAN them. These are so infected....
Wash my makeup off, every night.
Brush my hair, daily.
Put my shoes on all the way. It seems silly, but i've never had the energy to do it.
Blog more. I love writing.
Craft a lot!
There are more to come.
I'm proud of you for setting goals for yourself. This is a good step. The fact that you wrote it down makes it more solid too. Keep updating, it's nice to read these again.