Saturday, April 16, 2011

Just so we're clear... and our trip to target.

So, someone got all pissy about the last thing i posted about Jared. she'll get over it. She blocked me on facebook though. But i have a feeling she's reading this. She got really mad when i told her to back off because she wasn't in the relationship with Jared or i. Then she proceeded to tell me that he never loved me, that he only dated me because he felt sorry for me and the last time he came up it was only to 'shut me up'. Yeah, and that's why he stayed for an extra day?
she's crazy. She's the one who i told everyone about that said that her Rats won't have babies because they were brother and sister, therefore they wouldn't breed. She also said she'd watch them close and seperate them if they were humping. They had babies. Ha.
Now someone is going to get all mad because i'm 'talking shit'. I'm not talking shit if it is the truth. Talking shit is when you lie and exaggerate. There's a clear difference.
But, i'm over it because DBT has taught me that i can't control other people or their actions. Therefore i need to let it go and move on.

So, today was pretty sweet. Amber and i have been cutting out coupons since i've been out of Azkaban. Today, we put them to good use. We went on an adventure.

I NEEDED some Taco Bell, yeah, ok. I get it. It's not healthy. But i assure you i will be eating healthy all day tomorrow. I got a funky tasting thing and smothered it with their fire sauce and their hot sauce. It was good. Till my mouth started burning. Amber had a burrito thing left over. So we took it to the car. I didn't know where to put it, so i just threw it in the window viser thing. You know, that thing with the mirror on it that you pull down to block the sun.

Then we got to Target. I hopped on the scooter, which was louder than a dang SONIC BOOM. It was terribly embarrasing. again, i used my DBT skills and dealt with it.

So we shopped around a while, and i rembered i need a daily planner. I go and look for them. I expect them to be like 2 or 3 bucks. $15. I got the least expensive one i could find.

Then we went and got things i had coupons for. An awesome AWESOME lipstick. It's called Flame. Words can't describe how much i love it. I did an AWFUL job putting it on, but i was very very shakey because i was in pain.

In the end i spent $80 bucks. The planner and this wart removal stuff was the most expensive.

I ended up saving $14.60 because of coupons. I only had coupons for the panty liners, the hair sprays, makeup, and razor. I saved 35%. I don't know how that works. Amber figured it out.


I also bought cullen some catnip. Being as liberal as i am, i believe that everyone should have the right to indulge in mind altering drugs or alcohol. By that i really mean pot. Sorry, mom and grandma. 4/20 is coming up and i figured that since i no longer celebrate that holiday, that perhaps Cullen can with his Kitty Pot.

Oh my god did he go bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S!
He loved it soooooo much.









Oh, and i got Hello Kitty Slippers.

1 comment:

  1. You saved 35% because you wanted me to take off $30, so I did. :) It all worked out though!
