Thursday, February 4, 2010

Am I a feminist?

I have a feeling that during the 60's and 70's i would have been one of those women protesting against beauty pageants, burning my bras and screaming "I AM A WOMAN!! HEAR ME ROAR!". When you think about it, women have really progressed in the past 100 years. Think about it. Since the beginning of time women have been possessions or objects to men. They couldn't read or write. They weren't allowed to voice their opinion. Whever they were on their period they were confined to a room in the house in solitude. But, look at us now. Here i am, completely literate. Writing. voicing my opinion. And i'm not going to get my head chopped off for it.
Though i am most definitely girly when it comes to some things, but, i am a tom boy who loves makeup and getting her nails done. I grew up on a farm. Some of my favorite memories of childhood was getting so freakin' muddy i had to wash myself off with a hose before ma let me in the house.
I've always despised women who cater to their husbands/boyfriends. I never understood why a woman would have dinner ready for her husband when he gets home from work, or pack his lunch in the morning.
I've always worn the pants in almost every relationship i've ever been in. I like to take control. Some people may think i'm bossy. If i want Jared to wrap his arm around me, I'll look at him and say "Put your damn arm around me."
I've never thought of myself as the "take care of your boyfriend/husband type" but.... as it turns out i am. I've never wanted to be one of those women who cater to their men. But i am.
When Jared was here, he was hungry, but busy. So i got up, took left overs out of the fridge, put them on a plate, microwaved them for him and served it to him. I have never done that before. Not to anyone. Never. I barely do that for myself. I just eat it cold or don't eat at all.
I think i am doomed to a life of domestication. You know, cleaning, carrying around a dust buster, waxing the floors, cleaning the toilet with my hands, scrubbing out the oven, using pledge and dusting every surface of the house.
I haven't decided if this is bad or not. I think i'm just over analyzing this. I talked to Heidi about it, and she said that i'm going to turn out like a house wife/soccer mom. That's a scary thought. Me... as a house wife soccer mom.

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