Sunday, December 11, 2011

Remember those surverys everyone used to do on Myspace back in the day? Truth is i still love doing them and since i've run out of things to write about i'll do one. Plus i know everyone wants to know more about me. Right? Psh, probably not.

1. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

At Coldstone i always get cotton candy flavored ice cream with cookie dough in it. It's amazing!

2. Cable or Satellite?

It doesn't really matter to me. All i care about is being able to see what the heck is on. I hate flipping through the channels and guessing what the heck is on.

3. Favorite video game?

The only one i am good at is Guitar Hero and Rock Band. So those are my favorite.

4. Do you have to sleep with a fan on at night?

I like to, but most the time i don't. I've got a heater going now and that helps.

5. Your feelings on global warming?

Something crazy is going on and not enough is being done about it. I'm sick of all this bullshit about how it's a hoax. Yeah, well it obviously isn't. It's going to be almost 40 degrees this week. It's Minnesota. How can that not be something bad? Anyway, here's Al Gore on SNL talking about it and i think it's hilarious.

6. Do you still have a VCR somewhere?

Hell yeah, i have 2 down here. I love my VCR.

7. Been on a sailboat?

I'd rather be in the water than floating on top of it.

8. Two of your best friends are fighting. Your reaction?

Shut up, bitch.

9. Home Depot or Lowes?

Menards. Every Christmas Eve my family and i go to Menards. Usually we don't get much but it's tradition and i love doing it.

10. Beer or Hard Liquor?

Alcohol tastes disgusting. But nobody drinks for the taste. If they say they do they are a freakin' liar.

11. Best movie you’ve seen recently?

Hangover 2. Badass movie.

12. Would you walk across broken glass for $100?

Negative. I would do it for $1,000 though

13. Your feelings on dolphins?

They look like they would be slimy.

14. Would you ever rob a bank?

As long as i could do it while riding a horse.

15. Do you plan out your day before it begins?

Nope. I just kinda go with the flow.

16. What kind of digital camera do you have?

Cannon Rebel. I pretty much love it.

17. Can you fall asleep with your eyes open?

No. My eyes get dry fast and i hate having dry eyes.

18. Winter or Summer?

I like fall. Perfect temperatures.

19. Your ex’s car breaks down and they ask you for a lift. Your response?

Bish, i can't drive and you're NOT riding on my scooter with me. You're not sitting on my lap.

20. Your feelings on Britney?

It's her birthday today or something. Happy birthday.

21. Do you go to the gym regularly?


22. Ever play with model trains?

Nope. Never was into trains.

23. You’ve just bought a new house. What color will you paint the walls in the living room?

I've already got this planned out! I'm going with purples and greys.

24. Best subject in school?


25. What are your goals for this year?

I don't really have any. I go day by day

26. Do you spread false rumors about people just for the hell of it?

Michael is part of the Aryan Brotherhood. Look at him.


He just looks of evil and racisim.

27. Do you consider yourself religious?


28. Internet Explorer or Firefox?

Google Chrome!

29. Ever play online poker?

I don't play real life poker.

30. For real money?

I don't play real life poker. Let alone for money.

31. Describe the first house you lived in.

Big. really, really, really big.

32. Do you want to kick someone in the face right now?


33. Favorite sport to watch?

Hate watching sports.

34. You see someone running around naked in the street. Your reaction?


35. How much syrup do you put on your waffles and/or pancakes for breakfast?

Not a lot. I don't typically use syrup. Strawberries is where it is at.

36. Favorite junk food?

Pringles and Doritos.

37. Bottled water. Yes or no?

I have a fridge full of it

38. Do you have a lot of candles in your room?

I have a bad ass candle holder that holds 3 candles so i have 3.

39. Are the files in your computer well organized or all over the place?

All over the damn place.

40. Are there dogs barking in your neighborhood right now?

Nope, it's silent. Plus there is no neighborhood.

41. Where would you most like to be right now?

Sleeping in my bed.

42. Do you own a sleeping bag?

I have a little mermaid one.

43. UFC. Entertaining or stupid?


44. Favorite reality show?

Mob Wives and Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

45. What was the first CD you ever bought?

Backstreet Boys "Black and Blue"

46. Are all infomercials completely pointless?

No. I love informercials.

47. Who are you voting for in 2011?

Obama if he proves himself.

48. If money was no object, what car would you drive?

A prius.

49. Last 5 played songs in your Itunes playlist?

I'll do more than list the songs. I will post videos!

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