Thursday, April 14, 2011

What the hell izzat?

I was just watching this show on Animal Planet called 'I'm Alive".
This dumb woman was bitten by a venomous snake called a water moccasin. Well, she was gonna lose her arms.
Anyway, i go outside and i am walking up and down the side walk between the house and the garage. I hear some leaves rustling under the picnic table. So i investigate.
As i go and turn the brightness up on my iPod so i can use it as a flashlight to look under the table, amber and jason's Ghetto neighbor pulls up to her house. I don't think she has a car, she was in a taxi thing. I got my brightness up, and i begin to look under the table.
I crouch down and look under the table, and i see's's shiny.... it's moving... OH MY GOD IT'S A SNAKE! IT'S A WATER MOCCASIN. I'M GOING TO DIE! GOOD THING I'M BY THE MAYO CLINIC!
The snake emerges from under the table...i stand up and yell "uuuuggggggggggguuuuuaaaah" (it's pronouced the way it is spelled) turns out, it's a rabbit.

The Ghetto neighbor, who we will call Bonqueesha (is that racist?) looks up and says 'what the hell izzat? shiiiiiiiiit"

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